
At Empire, we aim to act responsibly in all aspects of our business to reduce our environmental impact. We use recycled materials wherever possible and do our part to reduce single use plastic. All our new materials are purchased through the correct chain of custody, meaning the material is purchased from a registered landowner.

Empire supports Trees 4 Trees which is an organisation that gives back to local communities through education and reward. Trees 4 Trees creates assets for these communities and has initiated the planting of trees (over 800,000) throughout the island of Java, Indonesia. Trees4trees does this and we support them.

Empire has greatly reduced the amount of single use plastic packaging by utilising a cardboard recycler for all packaging needs. It allows us to utilize excess cardboard which would normally be placed into our large recycling bin. We would estimate that our recycling has been cut in half by using the recycle packaging machine. This replaces bubble wrap, Styrofoam peanuts and other packaging plastic. Fragile orders will now be wrapped in our eco-friendly recycled packaging.

We strongly believe in supporting local artists and suppliers where possible. All products are handmade and produced ethically.

SVLK verification is required by Indonesian law for all wood product exporters from Indonesia. The SLVK system aims to ensure all wood products sourced from Indonesia are produced from legally harvested wood and verification under the Indonesian Timber Legality Assurance System, INDO-TLAS/Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) does just that. Walk the Plank Collective Pty Ltd and all our production partners are certified and documented under the SLVK system.

Our sustainable wood:
Rattan is a naturally renewable palm and is one of the fastest growing tropical woods available. The plant used for rattan furniture grows naturally without interrupting the present structure and balance of the rainforest. In addition, rattan cleans the air by converting CO2 into clean air. Rattan is an exceptionally sustainable wood, being the quickest developing tropical wood that renews in only 5 - 7 years. Rattan furniture manufacturing is low tech, not requiring production facilities that pollute the environment.